The Forum is a member owned 501c3. The leadership comprises:
The Board of Directors
The CEOs and equivalent of full members make up the Board, who meet once a year and are charged with the overall strategic direction of the Forum as well as governance and financial oversight, this includes decisions such as membership approval and budget setting.
The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is charged with the strategic management of the Forum and the support and development of the membership network. The current Officers are:
Chair - Monika Kuschmierz (International Director, Scripture Union International)
Vice Chair - Rich Rudowske (Executive Director and CEO, Lutheran Bible Translators)
Treasurer - Greg Pruett (President & CEO, Pioneer Bible Translators)
Secretary - Robert Myers (President & CEO, DOOR International)
Vice Secretary - Jos Snoep (President & CEO, Bible League International)
Staff Team
The Forum has a small, part-time staff of three who provide administrative, financial and event management support to the governance and membership.