The Forum International is one expression of the broader and growing FOBA alliance. With the encouragement and efforts of international CEOs, regional forums emerged in the mid-1990s.
The Forum International serves as the “hub” for the global FOBA alliance and, as such, supports the development of regional and national forums. FOBA International interacts and supports regional and national forums in many ways including exchange of information on global FOBA developments and international CEOs at local meetings and gatherings, joint ventures, launching of local forums, research and provision of tools and know how for setting up and sustaining national partnerships.
Regional Forums
Members of the Africa Forum include:
- Biblica
- DOOR International
- Global Recordings Network
- Lifewords
- One Hope
- Pioneer Bible Translators
- Scripture Union
- SIL International
- Theovision
- Wycliffe Global Alliance
- United Bible Societies
Click on the link for more information about Foro de Agencias Biblicas Mexico
Bible Agencies Australia meets twice a year, usually in Sydney and is chaired by Dr Greg Clarke of Bible Society Australia. Regular participants include the leaders of:
- Bible Society Australia
- Bible League
- Wycliffe SIL
- CWCI Australia
- Scripture Union NSW
- Scripture Union International
- SGM Lifewords
- Gideons
- Pocket Testament League
- Global Recordings Network
Further information can be viewed here: