Deaf Missions
Full Member
Mission Statement
To effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus with Deaf people
Vision Statement
All Deaf people see and know Jesus
Ministry Description
Since 1970, Deaf Missions has reached Deaf people in more than 100 countries around the world through a variety of Bible-based resources. In 2020, Deaf Missions completed the first-ever full Bible in a sign language: The American Sign Language Version. It was primarily translated by Deaf people, for Deaf people, and featured 53 different translators. An overflow of this work is serving as a resource and support for the larger sign language Bible media and translation movement globally.
Furthermore, Deaf Missions has produced and is engaging Deaf people with “The Book of Job,” a full-feature film in sign language. Among their next steps is producing another “For Deaf By Deaf” feature film – one on the life and Gospel of Jesus – to be presented in different sign languages worldwide.
Website: https://www.deafmissions.com/
Phone: +1 712 322 5493
Alternative Phone: +1 712 587 8887 (video)
21199 Greenview Road
Council Bluffs, IA 51503