Lutheran Bible Translators
Full Member
Mission Statement
To make God’s Word accessible to those who do not yet have it in the language of their hearts.
Vision Statement
God is transforming lives as people read, hear, and share His Word in their heart language.
Ministry Description
Language is a creative force in people’s lives. Once God’s Word is available in the heart language of a people, it opens doors for high-impact preaching and teaching. Learning to read God’s Word improves literacy and fosters a myriad of benefits: increased access to health information, lower infant mortality, better education, and better opportunities for work.
Since 1964, when Lutheran Bible Translators was established, over 18 million people speaking over 40 languages have had the opportunity to read, hear, and share the life-changing Word of God through mother-tongue translation. Lutheran Bible Translators partners with church bodies and Bible translation organizations worldwide, bringing the Word of God to minority language communities in places that are often literally at the ends of the earth.
Missionaries serving through Lutheran Bible Translators develop strong relationships within the language communities they serve, using innovative and creative means to provide people with the tools they need to easily access Scripture.
God’s mission through Lutheran Bible Translators is advanced and hearts are touched by the Gospel through the faithful prayer and financial support of individuals, congregations, and organizations across North America.
PO Box 789
205 S Main Street
Concordia, Missouri 64020