To be considered for membership your organisation must have an international operational presence. All members pay an annual membership due.
The Forum of Bible Agencies International has two categories of membership: (a) full or voting member; (b) associate or non-voting member.
Full or Voting Members
Full or voting members must meet the following criteria:
- One of the primary purposes of the agency is the translation, publication and/or distribution/engagement of the Holy Scriptures.
- The agency is a recognized and operational not-for-profit entity in its country of registration.
- The agency's understanding and expressions of faith fall within the mainstream of historic Christianity.
- The agency maintains an international presence.
- The agency devotes a significant portion of its resources to translation, publication and/or distribution / engagement work.
- Agree with, and commit to abide by, the standards of the Forum as defined by the Board of Directors.
Full membership confers the following benefits and rights:
- Attendance and participation in all Forum meetings.
- A CEO (or equivalent) vote at full member meetings.
- The CEO (or equivalent) is a Board director and may be elected an Officer of the Board.
- The CEO may be a member of the Forum's standing or special committees.
- The agency may participate in all Forum initiatives and enjoy the benefits of such initiatives.
- The agency will receive and may utilize any research produced by the Forum.
- Permission to use of Forum logo.
- Permission to access Forum information and other materials produced by the Forum.
- Others benefits as provided by the Board.
Full membership entails the following responsibilities:
- Attendance by CEO (or equivalent) to all Forum member's meetings.
- Full and prompt payment of annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors.
- Provision of information on member’s ministry and activities as may be necessary for the accomplishment of the Forum's mission, objectives and projects.
- Provision of the member’s audited financial statements.
- Participation in Forum committees and task forces' as reasonably required.
- Fulfilment of committee and task forces' duties as applicable.
- Building, and maintaining, awareness and commitment to the Forum among its staff.
- Hosting Forum events as may be reasonably required.
- Promotion and protection of the interests of The Forum.
- Others as provided by the Board of Directors.
The total number of member agencies determines annual dues for full members and is relative to the annual Forum budget approved by the Board of Directors.
Associate or Non-Voting Members
An entity that satisfies one following descriptions may apply to be an associate member or non-voting member of the Forum:
Category A: Mission agencies with Bible ministries
This category includes mission agencies or other entities that are involved in Bible translation, publication and/or distribution/engagement but not as one of their primary ministries. Such agencies must meet the following criteria:
Category B: Autonomous entities of multiple-Bible agency organizations
This category includes Bible Societies, Wycliffe national entities and other autonomous entities of a Bible agency organization, which do not meet the criteria for full membership of the Forum.
Category C: Other Christian entities
This category includes mission agencies or other entities that, in the opinion of the Board, would bring, associate members, substantial strategic and operational value to the Forum.
Associate membership confers the following benefits and rights:
- Attendance at Forum plenary and track meetings and other events as provided by the Board of Directors. As a general rule associate members may have two representatives at Forum meetings. The Forum Executive Committee may, in exceptional cases, authorize additional representatives.
- Participation in Forum task forces including consultation meetings.
- Access to Forum information as determined by the Board of Directors.
- Other benefits as provided by the Board of Directors.
Associate membership entails the following responsibilities:
- Full and prompt payment of annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors.
- Provision of information on member’s ministry and activities as may be necessary for
the accomplishment of the Forum mission, objectives and projects. - Provision of the member’s audited financial statements.
- Fulfillment of task forces’ duties as applicable.
- Building, and maintaining, awareness and commitment to the Forum among its staff.
- Promotion and protection of the interests of the Forum.
- Others as provided by the Board of Directors.
Annual dues for associate members are the same for each agency and fixed each year by the Board of Directors.