DOOR International
Full Member
DOOR International was birthed out of ministry work that began in 1983 aimed toward training Deaf leaders and establishing indigenous Deaf churches. Following a merger with United World Mission in 1995, DOOR International was officially founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1999. DOOR International’s mission is to “bring God’s Word and reproducing Christian fellowships to the Deaf around the world.” Using demonstrated reproducible methods, DOOR combats Gospel poverty in Deaf communities in two main ways: As a member of Wycliffe Global Alliance, DOOR helps Deaf communities translate Scripture (Chronological Bible Translation) into various sign languages and distribute these approved translations; and DOOR trains local Deaf Christians to do church planting through evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, and the establishment of local fellowships.
Door is engaged worldwide, with projects or leadership development in the Americas, Africa, Eurasia, and Asia/Pacific. DOOR’s vision is “Deaf reaching Deaf for Christ,” supporting ministry that is created, designed, and carried out by godly Deaf men and women in the context of Deaf culture and sign language.
1142 44th St SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49508