Jesus Film Project
Full Member
Mission Statement
Provide and promote effective Jesus focused films and strategies for evangelism and follow up for everyone in their heart language.
Ministry Description
Since 1951, Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, dreamed of developing an appealing biblically accurate film about the life of Christ. He saw how the life-changing message of Jesus Christ could reach the world’s millions-especially the illiterate-with greater impact through the medium of film. In 1979, “JESUS” was produced, a two hour film based on the Gospel of Luke.
Through use by The JESUS Film Project, and more than 1,500 Christian agencies, this powerful film has been seen by billions of people worldwide. On top of that, with over 1100 languages complete, the great majority of those heard the story of “JESUS” in a language they easily understand. As a result, more than 200 million people have indicated decisions to accept Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
The JESUS Film Project seeks to give everyone in the world an opportunity to see or hear the story of Jesus Christ in a language they can understand at a place close to where they live. So whether a person speaks Swahili, French, or a language whose name is extremely difficult for most to pronounce, he or she will encounter the life and message of Jesus in a language “of the heart.”
The ministry has now expanded to include derivative products focused on children and women, as well as short evangelistic films and follow up films to help people grow in their walk with Christ.
100 Lake Hart Drive
FL 32832