Meeting People's Scripture Needs Today in Asia-Pacific
Our Theme
The overall theme of the 2025 Annual Meeting is Meeting People’s Scripture Needs Today in Asia-Pacific.
Consistent with previous Annual Meetings, sub-themes include minority language translation, orality, Church based Bible translation, minority audience Scripture access and engagement, and youth engagement.
There will be additional topics relevant to the Asia-Pacific Bible mission context. For example, Integral Mission and capacity building for Bible translation; Unreached People Groups and engagement; Discipleship Making Movements and Church Planting Movements; and, innovations for reaching minority audiences.
Development Groups Tuesday, 1 April
The Translation, Scripture Engagement and Media Development Groups will meet all day at the Everly Hotel. The Deaf Development Group members will join the other groups during the day.
All Annual Meeting participants are welcome to join the Development Group meeting of their choice (please select when you register).
The Annual Meeting Program 1-3 April
The Annual Meeting begins formally with dinner on the evening of Tuesday, April 1 and finishes with dinner on Thursday, April 3.
The FOBAI CEO community continues to meet on Friday, April 4 for separate leadership and governance meetings.
Information about plenary speakers and a downloadable program will be added on this page in the weeks to come.
2025 Annual Meeting Process
This Annual Meeting is designed around Third Space theory and practice. The intention is to facilitate an experience that builds collaboration between Asia-Pacific and Western Bible ministry leaders to address Scripture needs across the region.
The aim is to create a dynamic, respectful space marked by open dialogue. The aspiration is to establish or strengthen long-term inter-agency relationships that open meaningful pathways for Bible-centered mission development.

What is a Third Space?
To understand Third Space as a Godly space you can download a chapter from Dr Kirk Franklin's book Toward Global Missional Leadership (2017) in English here: Third Way Thinking in the Missio Dei.