Development Groups
Here you'll find high level descriptors of the Forum's Development Groups with contact information. The groups meet face to face once a year at the Annual Meeting and participants are welcome to join in their meeting,
Some groups meet more than once a year as circumstances permit, providing some continuity between Annual Meetings; and, each has a steering committee.

Development Group Details
Scripture Engagement
Chair: Jonathan Huguenin, FCBH
The expectation is that participants in the SEDG meeting are interested in the following:
- Commitment to join a collaborative SEDG initiative for the next 3-5 years
- Developing a cooperative strategy on how to best position the SEDG to support the mission of member agencies.
- Exploring the ‘global marketplace for SE’ that involves other international agencies like Lausanne and WEA in a symposium that sits outside the FOBAI Annual Meeting model.
- Working to develop frameworks for principles and practice for SE. Our goal is to meet regularly as a group to take this process forward.
Chair: Bryan Harmelink, Wycliffe Global Alliance
The Translation Development Group members meet to learn from each other how to maximize the worldwide access and impact of God’s Word through the work of Bible translation. We strategize together on how to avoid duplicating efforts and how to promote cooperation. We share translation resources and discuss best practices. The group relies on the expertise of the Deaf Development Group for advancing the work of Bible translation in sign languages.
Chair: Tom Meiner, Jesus Film
The Media Development Group seeks to provide a venue for greater collaboration among the Bible Agencies that produce and distribute Biblical based visual and audio media products. The primary focus of the group will be products intended for distribution in multiple languages.
The group dedicates its time to the sharing of best practices, exploration of emerging technology, and networking as we face the challenge of ministering among both oral and media sophisticated cultures. We seek to address common issues and challenges, and to provide a greater voice to overcome them. Finally, we use our time to develop deeper relationships through prayer and encouragement of each other.
Chair: Riho Kurg, European Deaf Christian Bible Translation
The goal of the Deaf Development Group is to help Deaf ministries reach out to Deaf people around the world and to share the Good News in their own sign language.
The mission of the Deaf Development Group is to facilitate and oversee sign language translation centers around the world through three existing, independent entities: Asia Pacific Sign Language Development Association, Americas Development of Sign Language Association, Europe Deaf Christian Association and Africa Deaf Mission Alliance. One important outcome is combating the sense of isolation that local national Deaf agencies have felt in the past.
The strategy is to grow the global network of partnerships through the Forum of Bible Agencies International. Two member agencies, DOOR International and Deaf Bible Society, work exclusively in Deaf ministry. Other member agencies actively collaborating in Deaf ministry include Wycliffe, SIL, United Bible Societies, and Pioneer Bible Translators.
The Deaf Development Group comes together to discuss and share information on developments and best practice in sign language translation and Scripture engagement. This information is then cascaded through the wider network of agencies involved in Deaf ministry.