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Annual Meeting 2024 – Meeting People’s Scripture Needs Today

Plenary Presenter Information


The Forum of Bible Agencies International 2024 Annual Meeting is focused around plenary presentations and table group discussions. There will also be two devotion times related to the meeting theme. The table group discussions will follow the Mesa approach to creating a ‘third space’ developed in Latin America by Wycliffe Global Alliance.

The Annual Meeting audience of 130 people comprises the CEOs of FOBAI member agencies and their next level leaders plus about 30 leaders from Latin America. The auditorium will be set up with round tables.

Session Timings, Discussions and Chair

Each plenary session is set for a maximum of 90 minutes. You are requested to prepare a 25 minute presentation on your topic. In each session there will be two presentations followed by group discussion. The group discussions are aimed a deepening mutual understanding of the topics presented and the challenges and opportunities of meeting people’s Scripture needs today.


Each session will have a Chair who will introduce each presenter, ensure we keep to time and close the session.



There will be simultaneous interpretation of your presentation, through headsets, to and from Spanish, Portuguese and English and sign-languages. Please take this into account during your presentation.

Presentation Decks

If you plan to use a presentation deck please provide your slides in PowerPoint, Keynote or PDF, as soon as it is ready to Ashley Scott at FOBAI. This is important as we will provide your presentation deck to the sign-language interpreters so they can learn and rehearse the presentation. Also, we hope to translate your presentation into Spanish, Portuguese and English. We encourage you to minimise your use of text in favour of the use of pictures where possible.

Unless you prefer otherwise, we expect that you will present your own deck at your own pace. You may use your own laptop or we will make one available at your request.Rehearsal

If you would appreciate a rehearsal in the plenary venue ahead of time let Ashley Scott know and we’ll fit one in.

Annual Meeting Activities


Dear [name],

Thank you for agreeing to present at the Forum’s Annual Meeting next month. To help you prepare for your contribution, please find attached a short document that explains what is involved.

I would be grateful if you could send me the title you have chosen for your topic so I can include it in the program. Please can you also provide me with your personal title, name and the organisation you are representing?  You can send me a short biography if you wish.

Lastly, it would be helpful to know the language (Spanish, Portuguese, English, Sign Language) that you will use to present.

If you have any questions about your contribution please send them to me.

We look forward to being with you in São Paulo.

Friday, 28 April:

5:.00pm transfer by coach from the Royal Olympic Hotel to Athens airport. Fly to Thessaloniki. Stay overnight.

Saturday, 29 April:

8:00am departure for full day tour to ancient Neapolis (modern Kavala), Philippi, and Amphipolis (Acts 16:11-17:1).

Neapolis was the port of Philippi and the first place where the Apostle Paul set foot on European soil (Acts 16:9-11) and where he established the very first European Church. Philippi was a very important Roman colony. The tours visits the archaeological site with the Roman forum, the theatre, the octagonal 4th century Church, and where Paul was supposedly imprisoned. Another highlight is the river of Lydia (the Zingates), where Paul met Lydia and the other Jews, outside the city’s walls.

On the way back to Thessaloniki, you will pass by Amphipolis. Stay overnight.

Sunday, 30 April:

8:00am departure for sightseeing tour of Thessaloniki (Acts 17:1-8). You will visit the Old City and see the superbly preserved Byzantine City Walls, the White Tower, the Triumphal Arch of Galerius and the Rotoda; and, visit the Roman Forum and the early Christian basilica of St. Demetrius (the patron Orthodox patron Saint of Thessaloniki).

You will move on to Veria (the Biblical Berea, Acts 17:10-13) where you will encounter the old Jewish quarter. The last stop of the day is Vergina (ancient Aigai), the first capital of the Macedonians. There, you will visit the museum that houses remarkable artworks from the tomb of Philip II. You continue to Kalambaka, at the foot of Meteora. Coach drive and stay overnight in Kalambaka.

Monday, 01 May:

Morning tour of Meteora and visit to one of the monasteries. A UNESCO world heritage site, the rocky formations are crowned with Byzantine monasteries dating from 14th -16th century.

Accessibility and Dress Code

Please note that access to the monastery is only via steps (average = 140). You may remain by the coach or visit a nearby café if you cannot climb steps.

Women should enter the monastery wearing a dress or skirt and cover their shoulders. Men should wear trousers not shorts and cover their shoulders.

In the afternoon you head back to Athens, passing by Thermopylae, famous for its 480 BC battle between the Greeks and the Persians.

Arrival in Athens with drop offs either at around 7.30pm at the airport or 8.15pm at the Royal Olympic Hotel.